The Princess� Own Coronetting Tourney -- Principality of Caid, June 7, 1975

Second Annual Midsummer�s Eve Expedition to Camelot -- Barony of the Angels June 14, 1975

Expedition to the Seashore -- Barony of the Isles -- July 12, 1975

Prize Tourney and Hunt for St. Gunther�s Chalice -- Barony of Calafia -- July 19-20, 1975

First Tourney, Canton of Lyonesse -- Barony of the Angels -- July 20, 1975

Arts Tournament -- Barony of the Angels -- July 26, 1975

Prize Tourney -- Barony of the Isles -- August 16-17, 1975

Beggar�s Picnic -- Barony of Dreiburgen -- August 17, 1975

Fall Coronet Tourney -- Principality of Caid -- September 13, 1975

Western Crown Tourney: The Knighting of Morven of Carrick, September 28, 1975

Fifth Anniversary Tourney -- Barony of the Angels -- October 4-5, 1975

Anniversary Tourney -- Barony of Dreiburgen -- October 25-26, 1975

Fall Tourney -- Rieslingshire -- October 25-26, 1975

All Hallows Masque -- Barony of Calafia -- November 1, 1975

Anniversary Tourney -- Barony of Calafia -- November 15, 1975

Fall Investiture Tourney -- Principality of Caid -- November 22, 1975


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