for the Chalice of St. Gunther -- Barony of Calafia
July 21, 1974
at Balboa Park. There were games and dancing for the ladies, while
the fighters went on quest. Patrick of Innisfree found the chalice,
but lost it to Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny in
the lists.
“Finding the chalice gave Patrick an extra life in the following
lists while the rest of the combatants had but a single life. Interesting
concept for future specialty events. Go on a quest, find objects
that provide advantages and disadvantages such as extra life, type
of weapon or shield one may use, loss of mobility? regeneration?
Then fight the lists. hmmm! Could be interesting!” - Martin
the Temperate
“This was the tourney where, if you found the chalice, you
had to fight all the other fighters for it, one at a time. I believe
it gave you an extra life. Patrick found it and fought several fights
before finally losing enough times that Armand's fight was his last.”
– Charles of Dublin
Armand de Sevigny
fighting . . .who?
Picture from
the Collection of Collegium Caidis
Description of this event, © Copyright 1980 by William R. Keyes (Wilhelm
von Schlüssel)
This is from The History of the West Kingdom, Volume 1 (the only volume
produced). When reading this text, please keep in mind the following disclaimer:
This history may have errors in it, as much of the detail is “remembered”
history, or as one of the cover pages of the original type-written manuscript
states “The material within is derived from the information printed
in The Crown Prints and in The Page, and from the memories of the participants.”
The original document was typed on onion-skin paper, with hand-written
notes (often in the margins). All attempts have been made to reconcile
the notes with the original document.
when they are added, are from The Annotated History of the West, Volume
1, which is the same text as Master Wilhelm's mentioned above, with commentary
from members of the SCA who were active at the time of the event, and
are added to help clarify questions and expand on what happened and why.
This volume is copyright © Ken Mayer (Hirsch von Henford). Caid thanks
Master Hirsch for his kind permission to use data directly from the West
Kingdom Site.
specific annotations may be sent to Duchess Natalya
at . |