(No event title) -- Barony of the Angels
May 25, 1971

Pwyll pen Tyrhon left the Barony and Sárkáyi Gerö became Vicar of the Barony.

“Aha! I think this was my first real event, after having observed the fighting at Baycon a couple of years before--though I'd thought my first event was toward the end of AS VI rather than at the beginning. The one I attended was held in Pwyll and Rhiannon's large back yard, and I certainly remember meeting Sarkanyi at that event--but any administrative subtleties of a shift from Baron to Vicar no doubt escaped my comprehension. That may have been where I first met the late T.A. Waters, who was a friend of Pwyll's and a very fine illusionist and member of the Magic Castle; very sadly, he died earlier this year. There was also a rather memorable and exotic chap called--I think--Bahadur Ravenscloak. I don't think I ever saw him at another event, but years later his image came to mind when I first saw the film, "Knight Rider"--which I thought at the time surely must have had some serious creative input from members of the SCA (though apparently it didn't). (But there was that famous magazine article showing certain dukes righting on motorbikes and, I believe, conducting an abduction!)” – Bevin Fraser of Stirling

(No event title) -- Barony of Calafia
May (?), 1971

Kathea von Linz admitted to the Order of the Golden Trident(?)

Joint Tourney with Calafia and the Shakespeare Society -- Barony of the Angels
September 18, 1971

Held on the Shakespeare Society Grounds, Hollywood, CA. There was archery, a baronial court, lists for the title Arbiter of Beauty (who named his lady "fairest"), twilzy-whopping, a music contest, and final court, followed by dinner and a revel. About this time Vicar Sárkáyi formed a Council of Arts, in the absence of a baronial Master of Arts. He appointed Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), Ginger of Orange, Madelain du Bois, and Jusuf Shahain-i-Rum Aga, who was temporary president of the Council of Arts.

“I don't understand the Bjo of Griffin = Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani reference, as I believe "Bjo of Griffin" was Bjo Trimble, the wife of John Trimble, both BNF (Big Name (sf) Fans) and John later to join the BoD. Ginger of Orange was the wife of Julius of Orange (pun intended on his part), AKA "Tex", one of the few fighters who helped start up the Barony of Angels with demos, fighting practices, and so forth. They lived in Orange county...” – William Gordon of York
“When I first entered the SCA about the 3rd or 4th get-together, I didn't have a really good Medieval name, and chose plain ol' Bjo of Griffin (Griffin being my husband's middle name and the last name of his mother). He chose to be John ap Griffin, and still is.
“Throughout the years, heralds nagged at me for my un-Medieval name. Finally, I decided that my persona was a 14th century Italian merchant-baroness (which I never fully developed). Then I needed a good name. I always liked Flavia; Nancy Berman (Fiona) decided I needed a baptismal name Beatrice. So I waited for a last name until I hear Carmigniani (pronounced with a hard G) in a restaurant.
“THEN heralds complained my name was too difficult to pronounce! You can't win.“ – Flavia Batrice Carmigniani

“Also, at this tourney I lost the finals to Lysander of Sparta after he cut my leg off. He wound up essentially lying on top of my shield (I was bent almost horizontally with my knees folded under me) while stabbing around my shield (he was fighting round and short sword). This picture wound up being on the front page of the Sunday LA Times the next day! I, unfortunately, cannot be recognized in the photo due to the helm ...” – William Gordon of York

“Lysander was one of those (unusual for the SCA) folks who was actually in good physical condition. A year earlier, or a few hundred miles closer to good fighters, and he might have been on the fast-track for knighthood and a royal peerage. But the state of the art in fighting was in one of it's most rapid periods of advancement, and he never quite made it before heading off to the Air Force.” – William the Lucky

(No event title) -- Barony of the Angels
October, 1971

William of York took a leave of absence as Seneschal. Rhiannon pen Tyrhon took over as seneschal. Anastasia de Granada became Mistress of Arts. About this time the Barony of the Isles was united with the Barony of the Angels, under Vicar Sárkáyi.

“That should be Vicar Sárkányi Gero.” – Wilhelm von Schlüssel
“Or Sharky, as he was often spoken of for reasons not totally divorced from The Lord of the Rings.” – Steven MacEanruig

Twelfth Night Revel -- Barony of the Angels
January 8, 1972

Held in the Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, CA. Baron Pwyll, having returned, admitted Randall of Hightower and Rhiannon pen Tyrhon to the Order of the Seraphic Star.


Twelfth Night Revel -- Barony of Calafia
January 8, 1972

Held in the Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, CA. Baron Pwyll, having returned, admitted Randall of Hightower and Rhiannon pen Tyrhon to the Order of the Seraphic Star.

“Unless I miss my guess, this was the infamous "Clutchbutt Papers" 12th Night. It seems the new Baron of the Isles, whose name escapes me at the moment--he later had a career as a science fiction writer and died several years ago--was accused by various ladies of Calafia of taking gross liberties with their persons. It was enough of a brouhaha that Letters Were Written and Petitions Signed.” – Stefan de Lorraine

“I have the impression that the Clutchbutt Papers was a little later, but I could well be wrong. Perhaps William the Lucky could shed some light on it. I don't remember his SCA name, but William Tuning was the new Baron.” – Steven MacEanruig

“I believe that it was a bit later- maybe next year after this. It was Bill Tuning- and I believe that he was framed on this one, but it was long ago, and everyone involved is dead or gone, so that's probably all we'll ever know. I liked Bill, and he was a buddy of Randall's so I was inclined toward believing them anyway.” – James Greyhelm

“I'm actually pretty sure this was when it happened, because it got dumped in Paul and Carol's lap and this was when the timing would have been right for that. If it had happened the next year, James and Verena would have had to deal with it. Also, this is about the time that Isles, Calafia, and Angels where in the right stages of development for this to have taken place...
“I was also still learning things at the time. When I wrote a kingdom position paper on the subject (in which I cavalierly denied Tuning [anyone remember his SCA name?] due process) I referred to the "late King James," using that phrase because Jim was off the throne. BonCouer, at least, was horrified when he saw that and trumpeted "What Happened To Jim Early?" I explained that he was simply no longer the king, but decided that this was a phrase I would avoid using in correspondence in the future.
“I have to say here that Jerry Pournelle, Jerome Lord McKenna, who got appointed Justicar for the Crown (not the actual title, but I can't remember what title, if any, he was given) for this situation, handled everything very well. The Court of Inquiry took place in his house, he straightened out a lot of the legal niceties, and things wouldn't have developed anywhere near as smoothly without his assistance. It got dumped on him because Pwyll, the Seneschal/Baron (I believe) at the time was also implicated in the accusations--mostly having to do with the religious service--and Jerome was Baronial Marshall. Something of a high point in Jerome's career in the SCA, which was otherwise marred by approaches to personal interaction that put McKenna at odds with just about everyone in the group at one time or another. I sometimes wonder why he stayed in as long as he did, though his longtime friendship with Poul and Karen probably had something to do with it.” – Stefan de Lorraine

“What's left of my brain wants to say that his SCA name was Thorkell Hardhands -- I remember thinking that the Hardhands part was appropriate. But the whole thing happened before I joined.” – Eilis O’Boirne

“William Thorkill Hardhands is what I remembered but registered as Uilleam Thorken” – Frederick of Holland

“Actually, Andre de Sevastapol was the lucky fellow who got to deal with the situation (and, as I recall, came up with the appellation "The Clutchbutt Papers." He and I generally got to back Steve up in our capacity has his chief deputies / assistants.
“My overall impression was that the ladies of Calafia thought they were engaged flirting -- with absolutely no expectation or intention of being taken seriously. Randall and Tuning were looking for women -- and inclined to take anything less than strong rejection as encouragement. From such diverse assumption do great hassles grow.” – William the Lucky

“As Seneschal I was immediately up to my neck in the hassles, which resulted in an expedition to the South by their Majesties Paul and Carol and yours truly, plus various other lights of the Kingdom and a Court of Inquiry investigating (1) the averred scandalous behavior and (2) the accusation that an actual religious mass was celebrated as part of the Court. As with various political inquiries we are all familiar with, Wrists Were Slapped, Misunderstandings Clarified, and Apologies Accepted.” – Stefan de Lorraine

“I remember standing behind the King as kingdom constable and having a hard time keeping my mouth shut. Never my strong point. I guess that was the occasion.” – Steven MacEanruig

“There was a tourney in Calafia the day after the inquiry (Saturday after Friday? Sunday after Saturday? I forget) in which several knights of the West participated. It was, I believe, the first time we met the redoubtable Lysander of Sparta and the others of the central Calafia Core (Damn, the only other one I can remember was Jeffry of the Misty Twilight) on their home grounds.” – Stefan de Lorraine, who was not entirely pleased at how the Court was resolved... Then again, the next day at the tourney several of the Calafia ladies, all college age girls in the early Seventies, were acting in a manner that I could see would definitely give old line MCPs like Randall and the Baron of the Isles the idea that more was being offered than the ladies intended (or at least intended to offer them).
“Lysander, Curtis of Westlake, Bruno von der Eiche, Armand. I do remember that Stefan del Lorraine, Paul of Bellatrix, William the Lucky and I defeated the Barony of Calafia something like three times running in a series of melees. I remember it as a pretty good event. I always felt that Calafia was a nice group of people, though my memories are possibly colored by having my first really serious romance there.” – Steven MacEanruig

“I think that’s Jeffrey Brokenblade of my household, who was going to San Diego State at the time.” – Henrik of Havn

  (No event title) -- Barony of Calafia
Jan (?), 1972

Janây d'Aquitaine admitted to the Order of the Golden Trident(?)
  First Tourney -- Barony of Calafia
February 19, 1972

Held in San Diego, CA. Talanque and Rowen-Lynn were the founding Baron and Baroness. The Barony had begun to organize as early as November of 1970. Dean the Learned was the first Seneschal. Giesele-Hildegaard was Mistress of Arts, Erzebet Tycodi was Mistress of the Lists, and David Farwanderer was Master of Sciences. Bruno von der Eiche was Knight Marshall. King Paul attended and gave an Award of Arms to Bruno von der Eiche. Queen Carol was also present. The tourney was held in their honor. The first issue of the Serpent’s Tongue, the baronial newsletter, came out.
  Royal Court of Inquiry -- Barony of the Isles
February 19, 1972

Uillem Thorkel Hardhands, Seneschal of the Isles, was suspended for the period of the reign of King Paul for his discourtesy at the Twelfth Night Revel. The Court was held in the home of Knight Marshall Jerome Robert McKenna. The proposal to separate Isles from Angels was dropped.
  Overnight Tourney -- Barony of the Angels
April 22-23, 1972

Held in Black Mountain Park, Mount San Jacinto, Riverside County, CA. There was fighting, archery, a cooking contest, twilzey-whopping, and a revel.
  Spring Tourney -- Barony of Calafia
April 23, 1972

Held in the Pine Grove Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. There were lists for the title of Arbiter of Beauty, who got to present the lady of his choice with the Girdle of Hyppolyta and a competition for the title of Black Knight. Leodamas of Thebes was deputy Seneschal and Procurator.