Second Coronet Tourney -- Principality of Caid
September 14, 1974

Held in Alhambra Park, Alhambra, CA. Catriona NicChlurain, Bevin Fraser of Sterling, and Piers Howell and Ximena Aubel de Cambria were the autocrats. Prince Christian and Princess Denisa presided. Coronet lists were held. The lists came down to three combattants -- Hugh the Undecided, Naverlaunt (sp?), and Waldt von Markheim.

Sir Hugh the Undecided was the winner. Rosemary of Talmont was his lady. There was a cooking contest for a dish with oranges as a major ingredient, and a banquet and revel at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) was made Chief Chirurgeon of the Barony of Angels. (Just before the event the first issues of the Caid Newsletter came out. John ap Griffin and Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) were the editors.)
“Just after the first Crown Prints came out, we got an extremely snotty letter from Boncueur, stating that we were to cease printing an "illegal" newsletter immediately, or there would be serious legal repercussions. I snapped back a letter which, among other things, informed Boncueur that I didn't accept letters from Jon de Cles' trained poodle, and if de Cles wanted the "illegal" n/l halted, he could damned well come out from behind Boncueur and tell me himself. At which time, I'd slap him with a Freedom of the Press, plus a harassment suit that would knock their collective socks off. They backed off, but threatened that we would not get the official SCA membership mailing list for the Caidan area. This was a remarkably foolish threat to make to a couple of long-time newsletter editors. We reprinted the threat and handed it out at every Caidan event we attended, along with a mailing list sign-up sheet. Natural outrage at this attempt to stifle local news got us a hefty mailing list and quite a few subscriptions. The Crown Prints soon had nearly all of the Caidan SCA membership on its mailing list. After a few huffings and puffings, the SCA mailing list was finally grudgingly conceded to us. There was a mild attempt at controlling what we wrote in CP, but since we ignored all demands to send the copy to "the Emperium" before it was printed, that didn't work. There's lots more to the story, but it's 4:30 am and I'm only awake because of an allergy attack, so the memory isn't there ....” – Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani

“The spelling was, I believe, Naverlant. (no 'u') He was from Isles but moved on (and out of the SCA?) soon thereafter. The combat between Hugh and Naverlant was the final combat of the list. The three represented three of our four baronies, so that was interesting just from the aspect of the "rooters". Waldt was from Dreiburgen (in fact the baron), Naverlant from Isles, and Hugh from Angels.” – Martin the Temperate

“I have every reason to remember this tourney. Although I had won challenge matches, and killed in melees, I had never gotten beyond the first round in a lists. I was hoping (praying) to get a novice fighter just to see what it was like to get to the second round. Instead I drew David the Iron-Livered, whose biceps were as big as my thighs. So I immediately gave up thoughts of getting to the second round but figured I would have fun anyway. As we were going out to the field, I flashed on “The Court Jester”, where Danny Kaye fights the grim & grisly Griswold, with me as Danny Kaye but smaller. Imagine my surprise when, after an initial flurry of blows, I hit him quite hard in the side. He stepped back & toppled like a tree in the forest. Needless to say I lost the next round since I was still in shock.” – Charles of Dublin

Hugh and Rosemary at 12th Night
Photo from the collection of Collegium Caidis


Description of this event, © Copyright 1980 by William R. Keyes (Wilhelm von Schlüssel)
This is from The History of the West Kingdom, Volume 1 (the only volume produced). When reading this text, please keep in mind the following disclaimer:

Disclaimer: This history may have errors in it, as much of the detail is “remembered” history, or as one of the cover pages of the original type-written manuscript states “The material within is derived from the information printed in The Crown Prints and in The Page, and from the memories of the participants.” The original document was typed on onion-skin paper, with hand-written notes (often in the margins). All attempts have been made to reconcile the notes with the original document.

Annotations, when they are added, are from The Annotated History of the West, Volume 1, which is the same text as Master Wilhelm's mentioned above, with commentary from members of the SCA who were active at the time of the event, and are added to help clarify questions and expand on what happened and why. This volume is copyright © Ken Mayer (Hirsch von Henford). Caid thanks Master Hirsch for his kind permission to use data directly from the West Kingdom Site.

Caidan specific annotations may be sent to Duchess Natalya at .