Night Revel -- Principality of Caid
January 14, 1978
Held at the Torrance
Recreation Hall, Torrance, CA. Rain poured down outside. Lord Gwydioan
am y’Gorlwyn and his wife, Lady Anna McAyre of Gorabh, and Lord
Thelin von Kallenbach supervised a magnificent banquet. The hall opened
at noon and at three the first call went out for the Grand March. Prince
Martin and Princess Neptha welcomed Queen Allissandra and observed the
Grand March. Then court began. Ann of Villanova and Morton the Grey received
Awards of Arms from Prince Martin and Master Conrad von Regensburg received
the Legion of Courtesy. The Order of the Seraphic Star initiated Cedric
the Dark and Eyana bat-David nicChlurain. Viscount Morven of Carrick and
Countess Amina Sherana de Talavera won the Costume Contest in costumes
made by Lady Cristóbál degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome. Then
came the magnificent banquet, with three removes and featuring a turkey
stuffed with a chicken stuffed with a game hen stuffed with an egg. Revelry
followed with juggling, singing, and a showing of the Pennsic War film.
“At Southern 12th Night, Cameron of Caldoon and Charles de Rouen
came as beggars, but did not have tickets to the banquet. They implored
Her Majesty Allissandra to be allowed to eat her table scraps, and Her
Majesty showed pity on them and allowed them to sit on the floor in front
of the high table while she threw scraps to them. Feeding these poor creatures
amused Her Majesty so much that they ate rather well. That day Her Majesty
wore a small intricate crown which, she explained, had been baked from
bread dough and then gilded.” – Robear du Bois
“I think the formal announcement of our impending kingdom status
to the Caidan populace occurred at this event.” – Martin
the Temperate

on this page courtesy of Mistress Su of the Silver Horn.
Description of this event, © Copyright 1980 by William R. Keyes (Wilhelm
von Schlüssel)
This is from The History of the West Kingdom, Volume 1 (the only volume
produced). When reading this text, please keep in mind the following disclaimer:
Disclaimer: This history may have errors in it, as much of the detail
is “remembered” history, or as one of the cover pages of the
original type-written manuscript states “The material within is
derived from the information printed in The Crown Prints and in The Page,
and from the memories of the participants.” The original document
was typed on onion-skin paper, with hand-written notes (often in the margins).
All attempts have been made to reconcile the notes with the original document.
Annotations, when they are added, are from The Annotated History of the
West, Volume 1, which is the same text as Master Wilhelm's mentioned above,
with commentary from members of the SCA who were active at the time of
the event, and are added to help clarify questions and expand on what
happened and why. This volume is copyright © Ken Mayer (Hirsch von